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Blackout Fabric
103 ResultsRelated Videos on Flame Retardant Blackout Fabric
95%-100% blackout effect, BEGOODTEX flame retardant blackout fabric.
Dimout Fabric in the BEGOODTEX Permanent Flame Retardant Blackout Fabric series.
What is Inherent Flame Retardant Blackout Fabric?
BEGOODTEX Inherent Flame Retardant blackout fabric is a type of fabric that combines permanent flame-retardant properties with blackout functionality. It is made of BEGOODTEX’s three-layer permanent flame-retardant polyester yarn (Dimout Fabric), with a blackout rate of approximately 95%. The blackout fabric coating, made of BEGOODTEX’s four-layer shading coating and flame-retardant polyester yarn, can achieve a 100% blackout rate. This fabric offers excellent permanent flame-retardant and blackout performance, effectively preventing the intrusion of sunlight and ultraviolet rays.
FAQs about Flame Retardant Blackout Fabrics
What is the blackout effect of flame retardant blackout fabrics?
The blackout effect of blackout fabrics varies depending on the material used. Dimout fabrics, made from three layers of inherently flame-retardant polyester yarn, have a blackout rate of around 95%. Coated blackout fabrics, made from four layers of blackout coating and flame-retardant polyester yarn, have a blackout rate of 100%.
What are the suitable applications for flame-retardant blackout fabrics?
Flame retardant blackout fabrics are suitable for bedrooms, living rooms, home theaters, offices, and other spaces that require blackout effects. They can be used for fire resistant curtains, room dividers, exhibition displays, train compartment curtains, and more.
Is the blackout effect of flame retardant blackout fabrics related to thickness?
The blackout effect of flame retardant blackout fabrics is somewhat related to thickness. Generally, thicker fabrics provide better blackout effects.
What are the advantages of flame-retardant blackout fabrics?
In addition to flame retardancy and blackout effects, flame retardant blackout fabrics also offer advantages such as thermal insulation and soundproofing.
Is the polyester fibre used in weaving the fabric a standard polyester or is it treated in some way to give additional or specific FR properties?
No, it’s not standard polyester. FR polyester is modified polyester. During the polymerization of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), organic phosphorus-based flame-retardant monomers are incorporated into the reaction system as copolymerization components. Through melt polycondensation, phosphorus atoms chemically form stable P-C bonds with benzene rings in PET molecular chains (by replacing hydrogen atoms on the aromatic rings). The modified polymer is subsequently pelletized to produce flame-retardant PET chips, where the flame retardant achieves molecular-level dispersion and becomes permanently anchored within the fiber matrix.
Is the yarn spun after extrusion and what method of spinning is used, e.g. carded/combed and ring spun, MJS or another method?
Yes, the yarn is spun after extrusion, then from POY to FDY or DTY.
Are there any specific chemicals, oils, lubricants, waxes, or softeners used in the weaving or spinning processes?
Yes, it is necessary to add polyester oil during the spinning process of polyester fibers. Polyester oil is indispensable in the spinning process. It not only lubricates the fibers, reducing friction and adhesion, but also improves fiber performance, protects equipment, and enhances production efficiency and fiber quality.
What chemicals are used in the dim-out coating recipe, is it an acrylic-based coating?
No coating and no chemicals, except for coated fabrics.
Is any FR treatment added to the coating?
No coating, except for coated fabrics.
Are there any differences between the recipes used for each colour, e.g. additional chemicals, or different suppliers etc?
Yes, it is necessary to add polyester oil during the spinning process of polyester fibers. Polyester oil is indispensable in the spinning process. It not only lubricates the fibers, reducing friction and adhesion, but also improves fiber performance, protects equipment, and enhances production efficiency and fiber quality.
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